Re: personalized /tmp (was: BUGTRAQ ALERT: Solarix 2.x

Andy Poling (
Wed, 16 Aug 1995 17:23:32 -0400

On Wed, 16 Aug 1995, Scott Barman wrote:
> What about having a form of chroot so that a user, or a group of users,
> can have their own environments.  The only difference is that this
> chroot can be set up to mount system directories read-only (/bin,
> /usr/bin, &c).  The limit of their mount is limited to directories
> allowed (for example, you want to allow users access to all of /usr
> with maybe the exception of /usr/etc--this scheme would deny the user
> access to that directory).  This way, each user can get their own /tmp
> directory and this problem would not exist.
> An administrator would set up their environment before a user logs in.
> The user would have what looks like their own system.  Additionally,
> there would be no restrictions to setting up groups of users like
> this, with different home directories as they do now.
> (why do I get this feeling this sounds a bit like VM/370?)

Because you are describing VM.  However VM does not represent EVERYTHING
with files like UNIX does.  You'd need a /dev directory for each user
with 200 device special files in it.  And that's just the beginning.  If
you've ever tried to set up any sort of semi-complete chroot-ed
environment, you know that you need a million shared libs and executables
etc.  It's a royal pain.

> Programs that needed "global" access (i.e., ps) can be written to do
> their own chroot back to the real root to run.  Programs like that
> would have to be given permission to do that and design it into the code
> (i.e., no setuid-like behavior).

Here you're stuck.  It can't be done.  If you could chroot out of a
chroot-ed environment chroot wouldn't be much use, would it...


Andy Poling                              Internet:
UNIX Systems Programmer                  URL:
Homewood Academic Computing              Voice: (410)516-8096
Johns Hopkins University (Balto, MD)     UUCP: uunet!mimsy!jhunix!andy